"This women problem"
It's not a gender issue - it's a business opportunity
It’s a matter of leadership, structure & culture. And a single woman in leadership does not make a diverse and inclusive corporate culture.
Organizations and companies need equity, equal distribution and equal treatment – not only for women. After all, this is the only way to realize the full potential. In order to achieve change here, the structures and, through them, the cultures in which inclusion is lived and managed must be created. Companies benefit from more diversity at all levels – but only if these teams can work together in an inclusive way that makes their diversity beneficial.
PS: Foosball and free beer are not corporate culture.
Hit the glass ceiling? We stumble on the broken rung of the career ladder on the way there.
Women in leadership – how do we get there? By designing the right structures, applying the right measures in the right places. In this way, impact can be created sustainably in the medium run and the path can be designed with equal distribution of responsibility.
Career ladder - The broken rung
Women on their way to the top
The future of leadership is feminine
Today and tomorrow
Characteristics of leadership today and tomorrow are feminine qualities.
Talents demand a new way of leadership. Eight of the ten most desired competences for leadership tasks are considered to be typically feminine, including expressive, insightful, flexible, loyal, cooperative and forward-looking.
Women are more value-driven and can hence be more responsive to the needs of people entering the labour market.
"More gender diversity, particularly in corporate settings, can translate to increased productivity, greater innovation, better decision-making, and higher employee retention and satisfaction."- Morgan Stanley, 2017
100% of the pool
The goal is competitive advantage
100% – both of the talents and the consumer force.
Too few applicants, too few women on the way up? Women make up (about) half of the population, professionals, workers and consumers. So we should ensure access to 100 % of the talent – all humans. And enter the market of 100 % of the consumers. This ensures the long-term success of the company.
“Women have a 3-D sense of innovation.” – Prof. Birkner. Innovations require a comprehensive understanding of the market, products and customers.
More women in central innovation processes means including the perspective of several social groups in the creation of products.
Women as innovators
With and through their 3D sense
Digital, agile, New Work
Productive, effective, inspiring, motivating, encouraging & challenging
All that?! Yes! And more…
Home Office ≠ Remote Work – effective and healthy digital work means more than just working from home. This not only poses special challenges for collaboration; it also offers unique opportunities.
We design and lead the change to an innovative and resilient business and organization.
May 5, 2020
Wir machen Remote Work. Besser. Für mehr Gleichstellung!
Dazu gehört viel mehr, als nur die Verlegung des Arbeitsortes nach Hause. Es erfordert eine Unternehmenskultur, die inspiriert, motiviert, loyal ist!
March 10, 2020
Wie unsere Steuergelder in „Female Washing“ verschwinden
Oder: Wieso sind wir nicht wütender? Wo sind die Kontroversen im öffentlichen Diskurs beim „Frauenproblem“?
February 5, 2020
Count on women when it comes to fostering entrepreneurial mindsets!
...acknowledging the fact that women innovate differently and especially the way HOW they innovate, uncovers why it is necessary for sustainable businesses to include women in the right places.