What we have already moved

Holistic HR development concept

Conception and implementation of a HR development concept for an IT service provider

Appearances, speeches, articles

Performances on New Work, Future of Work, representing women's demands. Publication of articles.

Roundtable "Women in Tech Initiatives"

Participation in the roundtable of the "Project Future" of the Berlin Senate and active continuation.

Women's company network

Building and sustaining a women's network within a company.

Female Leaders Circle

Training, networking and empowerment of women in leadership.


Mentoring of young female entrepreneurs and female executives, e.g. within the framework of the Grace Accelerator and Henkel Xathon.

Stay in touch

Piloting and establishing a programme to support employees before, during and after parental leave.

Equality Report of the Federal Government

Participation in a hearing for the preparation of the third equality report of the
Federal government on corporate culture, new work concepts and stereotypes in the digital economy.


Connecting networks and contact to networks such as FidAR, EWMD, BPW or PANDA for joint projects.


More females in leadership

More females in leadership positions brought through restructuring strategies.

Female Entrepreneurs Academy

Feedback on, support for and participation in the Female Entrepreneurs Academy of the Berlin Senate for Economics.

Intergenerational exchange

Development of projects to network the next generation of female managers and women in management.